Nowadays, learning something new doesn’t mean enrolling in a community college or committing to a weekly workshop (although it still certainly can!). Today, learning something new can benefit not only your career, but also your relationships, your mental health, your cooking skills, or your self-reliance. When it comes to learning, the question isn’t what you learn, but rather how you make it a priority in your life.
Here are a few easy and fun ways to incorporate learning into each and every day.
Commit to reading a chapter a day. Not only does reading give you access to worlds of information, but it also lets you commit to a story or a topic in small doses a time. Find a book or a subject you love so that you are more willing to stick with it.
Delve into the news. No matter where you get your news these days, make a point to research and understand the articles. Sometimes this means looking up unknown words and committing them to regular use. Other times this means looking up unfamiliar cities on a map and researching what makes them special.
Get online. There are a ton of websites dedicated to quick tips, instructional videos, and free courses. Want to learn a new DIY skill? Try Craftsy. Want to save time doing daily tasks? Lifehacker. Want to get inspired? TED-Ed. Want to take courses from some of the best colleges in the world? Coursera. No matter what you want to learn, chances are there is an online resource ready and able to help you.
Make new friends. New relationships are a great way to practice social graces and learn new information. To get the most out of each conversation, add some fun questions to your repertoire; questions like “Where are you from?” could be followed up with “What was your favorite part of living there?”. You may also find your current friends are brimming with fun and relevant information—you just need to ask.
Watch a documentary. Documentaries are a great way to learn about a different perspective, a different part of the world, or a more in-depth look at something you thought you already knew. Since they are highly visual and often filled in compelling ways, you may find yourself learning something knew without even realizing it.
Now you know there are several ways to incorporate learning into your daily life. And look at that, it just took reading one of our blogs to tackle it for today.
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